15 May, 2010

What did I see tonight?

Sorry for the bad pictures. I was washing dishes this evening when I looked out and saw this. I watched him/her for bit before realising I should get my camera! It was twilight, my flash was off and I was shooting through the screen. I'm just glad they came out as well as they did.


Unknown said...

So what is it?

Kathryn said...

So, is that the man-eater?

Becky said...

Dammit, now I'm going to have dreams about were-cougars eating you instead of me tonight. You should lighten them up in PS a bit. They'll be easier to see.

Miss you. Don't get eaten by a were-cougar before you come home.

The Bovens said...

Awesome...I'm a bit jealous though. Tell him to come visit our house before we leave in a couple weeks.


Yankeefan #27 said...

Wow so cool!!!!

Sloth Love Chunk said...


looks nice. and ya i agree with becky you can lighten it up a bit in PS. should make it a lot easier to see.

Bill Kinzie said...

Looks like an ocelot maybe...over sized kitty!! Seems you've had a good semester and will soon be enjoying a visit Stateside. Thanks for sharing..blessings1