12 September, 2011

A quick post

So, I really should be finishing my planning but I think I work best under pressure and there's just not enough pressure yet to be truly productive.  You need to have pressure to form diamonds after all, right?

It was the first week of school and it really feels great to be back in the classroom and working with the kids.  My grades 9 and 11 kids are great but I'm still adjusting and warming up to the 7s and 8s.  Slowly things have been coming together and I'm getting more settled.  It's definitely been stressful.  Honestly, it's been a lot of gaining, losing, and regaining ground.  I'm just figuring out the system and flushing out the bugs or finding a workaround.  It's been stressful but mostly the good kind of stress.

In other news, I have gotten in contact with the Transatlantic Council of the Boy Scouts of America and found out they do indeed have a troop in Istanbul contrary to what any websites I've found have said.  Hopefully I will be able to make time to work with them and get involved with scouts again.  It will also be nice to find something to do that gets me out of the local area and away from school.  Not that school is bad, it's just that I don't want to get stuck in the same rut I was in in India where all the people I interacted with and things I did were school related.

Finally, the weekend was good.  I got to hang out with some friends from the primary school on Friday night.  I don't really get to see them so it was nice to be with them.  We ended up going over to the Asian side and meeting some other folks there for a few drinks and chatting.  It's kinda fun to be able to say that I woke up in Europe, went to Asia and then came back in the span of just a few hours.  Last night was a friends birthday so we gathered at her place for a bit before heading out for some dancing.  Nothing too out of the ordinary there until the cab ride home.  It's not every day you see topless, screaming trannys being chased down the street by cops. 

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the news from Istanbul.


Becky said...

Pics or it didn't happen. ;)

I'm so happy you're having a good time. You sound really at home in Istanbul already.

Miss you and love you. You're inspiring me to updated my blog again with all the updates you've been making (though mine won't be nearly as interesting as yours).

Love you.

James said...

You know, actions really do speak louder than words and inaction is like having Tourettes.

Yankeefan said...

Like the name of the blog =o)