30 January, 2009

Hong Kong pt V

The first day of the Chinese New Year (it spans a total of three) we decided to try and find the 10,000 Buddha Monastery. There's actually about 13,000 depictions of the Buddha and tons of other statues as well.

The view of the monastery from below.

As you head up the path to the monastery you pass by all of these statues of various devotees of the Buddha.

One of the pagodas at the top. Covered with various Buddhas.

This statue really intrigued me. That's a very long arm. Reminded me of Dhalsim.

Front view of the main temple. That's not a tiled wall.

Look closer.

Ah, a bunch of little Buddhas. That's a helluva lot of Buddhas. They're all in different poses too.

Let's get a little artsy. Not too much though.

The gilded corpse of the monastery's founder. Not sure how I feel about this.

More statues.

I wish there was someone there that could have explained who all these people are.

Guan Yu, the God of War. I forget what name the Hong Kongers call him. He's all over the temples.

More golden statues on the hillside.

Two of the statues that piqued my interests. I envision this guy saying something like, 'And then I stepped on a fish and it was THIS BIG.'

And I feel like this guy is thinking, 'Whoa crap, I'm riding a deer. Cool.'

And in true Hong Kong fashion, one only need turn their head to be reminded where the city is.

Big Buddha by a waterfall.

We were also able to catch a traditional lion dance. It was a lot of fun to watch. The guys that do these dances are in top shape. I have a video but I need to edit it a bit before I can upload it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm laughing so hard my co-workers are shushing me.