26 September, 2010

I guess it really does work

So, today I had gone up to school for lunch like I typically do. While eating I took off my glasses, also like I typically do. Happily I sat as I ate my chicken burgers and rice and daal when one of my colleagues came in. I was sitting at a table along with one of the junior school teachers finishing up my meal when he (the one that came in) walked up to see what was on the menu. He said hello to the other teacher and called her by name but merely said hello to me. He looked at me quizzically and asked if we had met before and I said yes (in fact, we had several conversations of relatively decent length). I told him my name and said I was from the senior school. He proceeded to ask if I was working in Hostel (the boys' dorm) and I told him no, I teach chemistry. I could see that he was painfully confused. One could see that he knew the chemistry teacher but was certain I was not he. I started getting a little embarrassed and reached for my glass or water when suddenly it hit me. Rather than picking up my glass I picked up my glasses and put them on. His entire expression suddenly changed. You can tell he felt a little silly for not recognising me but we had a good laugh about it.

I guess it really does work as a good enough disguise for Superman/Clark Kent.

In other news, I know that I've not been very good about updating at all lately. Let's just say that it has been a hectic and stressful first quarter. Cripes... The first quarter is almost finished (one more week) ! It has been busy (mostly in a good way) and I'll be sure to put up a full report this coming weekend. Between now and then I need to plan what I'm teaching this week, finish grading, and write comments for each of my 60+ students. After Friday I'm free until Wednesday. Nothing but relaxing for me. There has been talk of some hot-tubbing, movie watching, letter of recommendation writing, comic reading, story plotting, and tacos. God, I love tacos. I'm also hoping to get to a little bit of work on some comics. I have a few ideas I've been tossing around so it might be nice to just put thought to paper and see what comes up. I'll be sure and post it here if I come up with anything good.

1 comment:

Yankeefan said...

LOL!!! Pretty funny. Hope you do relax during your break and yes tacos are awesome I love them too.