05 October, 2010

Ten on Tuesday

So I had said I would post a more detailed blog post over quarter break. Well, I have about 2.25 hours left to do that. I was reading through Maggie's blog and realised I hadn't done a Ten on Tuesday (or some derivative thereof) for quite a while. I'll see what I can come up with:

1 - This was by far the longest monsoon since I've been here. Heck, several locals say it's been the longest, rainiest monsoon in 30-40 years. It finally let up about two weeks ago or so but was just torrents of rain until then. It hailed yesterday but I wouldn't put much into that.

2 - This quarter I got the Woodstock Outdoor Club started. We're refraining from calling it Scouting any time soon because there's a lot of red tape regarding the issue. There's been a healthy amount of interest from the kids and we're thinking of expanding it down to some of the lower grades soon. Our first campout was about a month ago and, of course, it rained like the dickens. The kids didn't set their tents up correctly and got wet but we had a back up and they had a warm, dry night. I was cozy and warm all night long. Overall, I think the kids really had a great time and, to me, that's what matters. The main thing that's hindering any progress to the club is scheduling. We haven't met since the campout because we meet on Friday nights and since then we've had the Staff Talent Show and now it's quarter break. Wish us luck in the coming quarter.

3 - I made tacos with a friend last night. God, I love tacos. They were so good and really hit the spot that we're thinking of making it a weekly occurrence. Since dad visited last year and brought, literally, an entire box of seasoning I think we can do it.

4 - Winter plans are still somewhat up in the air. I am for sure going to Kuala Lumpur to visit some cousins. I'll be there for Christmas and probably well into January. I'm looking into visiting Thailand too but need to look into places to stay/people to go with. I have some friends in Bangkok I could almost surely crash with for a week or so but let's also see how much it's going to be to fly there. There are plenty of things to do and see in Malaysia so I may just travel around there.

5 - Speaking of those cousins, they really want me to move to KL next year to teach and stay with them. I talk with them almost nightly and I tell ya, KL sounds more and more like some place I'd like to be. I'm keeping my options open though. As one of my colleagues told me, I'm the perfect candidate. I'm young, no dependents, 3 years of experience international and science. I would still really love to go to Europe or Turkey (or just about anywhere really) so I'm not committing to anywhere just yet.

6 - So, if that last point wasn't blunt enough for you let me just flat out say that this will be my last year at Woodstock. I've unofficially told my head of department and will officially submit my letter this week. It's nothing to do with the school really. Just time for me to move on. I've learned a lot here (and still am learning every day) but there's a big toll for coming to a relatively secluded area and cloistered environment.

7 - I just want to say that I have some super friends both here and across the water. The past few weeks have been particularly rough for me but they've been there to help me talk through things and try to understand things better. I just hope they know that I appreciate everything they've done.

8 - I love hot TANG.

9 - I love the weather right now. It's crisp and cool. Perfect for going out for a walk in a sweater and cap. Honestly, I think autumn has become my favourite season. Summer is nice and warm but more often than not, wherever I am it's ungodly hot and humid. Spring is good too because everything is new and you get the whole rejuvenated/twitterpated vibe going on but it feels like things have lost the edge that autumn has. I'd say winter would be the second best for me. Again, it's cold and crisp but also perfect for lighting a fire. Nothing says cozy like lighting the fire, putting on Bing and lighting some candles to watch them burn. Throw in some hot cocoa with some Baileys (*nudge* *nudge* *wink* *wink*) and you have a contender that easily could tip the scales in its own favour.

10 - Do you think Mick Jagger realises "Cherry Red" is a colour not a flavour? He's right though, you don't always get what you want but sometimes you get what you need.


Yankeefan said...

You make me want to become a teacher and leave my accounting career behind. So cool how you move around well hope they throw you a big going away bash at Woodstock. Well enjoy the good weather here in Jersey the weather is not so bad either now back to facebook for me, I mean work.

Bill Kinzie said...

Mussoorie autumns are extra special...not soon to be forgotten.
Understand your need to move on and there is a big world out there to explore. Enjoyed the "glasses" story.
I was very nearsighted and my glasses had broken, I mistook Ellen Alter, for my senior student violin teacher, calling out "Hi Cookie!" Was I embarrassed!!

Maggie said...

Love your 10! Your insight is always entertaining. Love and miss you, little bro.

Becky said...

Miss you.