02 July, 2008

Update of sorts

Some people have asked about what I still need to get before I go. Honestly, I've got it about covered after several trips to the store, and internet shopping happy step mother, and a few generous benefactors. There's really only one thing I still NEED and one thing that would be cool to have. See if you can figure out which is which.

  • Fleece- Warm jackets to keep warm during the frigid mountain winters.
  • Accordion- An odd request but some friends from camp and I were discussing how there's always the cool guy that comes around and plays guitar and sings songs. Then we decided that it would be much cooler if that guy would play accordion. Then I decided I wanted to be that guy. If the accordion came with a person to teach me how to play it too that'd be pretty cool too.
So, like I said, I pretty much have everything I need barring those items listed above. Less than a month and then I'm outta here! I must say that I'm really excited about it but also quite terrified at the same time. It's going to be great.

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