01 August, 2008

It's Friday...

... and I'm too tired to do a real update.

Well, just to let everyone know, the water has been fixed in my home. I can now take frigidly cold showers in the privacy of my own bathroom.

Last night was the staff banquet. Just a bit of a get together before all the kids come. There were plenty of good appetizers and drinks. The main course was better than usual but the appetizers definitely stole the show as the best food of the night.

And now, to appease a certain brother of mine. Here's a picture of a monkey.

This is a languor. These are the nice monkeys. They're bigger than the rhesus monkeys but much more docile. That is, unless you get between them and the one armed female. Only met her once. The others will bite you and poop all over the place.

Pete and his band playing us some old time rock and roll at the banquet.

Sorry it's nothing that exciting. I just figured you all would like to know.


Anonymous said...

To you, it might not be exciting. The whole monkey thing is an everyday occurence for you, but for us? Not so much. And if you keep the blog updated with the "nothing exciting" of your life, I guarantee you, we'll be excited.

Keep it comin'!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to hear that your accordion prowess made it impossible for Pete and his band not to ask you to join. I'll request 'Enter Sandman' by Metallica, please and thanks. (Not quite old time rock and roll, but your accordion skills will bring a wave of inspiration for harder rock to the band, I just know it)